02 July 2010

The End....

of work! We are both now officially unemployed. As much as we complain about going to work...especially on a Monday morning we're both actually gonna miss IAG, especially all the beautiful friends we made :-(


  1. I would rather see a very messy desk with VSan behind it than a very clean desk with no VSan behind it FYI. We miss you already girlface! Keep up with the blog and lots of photos please!

  2. what he said! No VSan to talk shit about and drink Proteinies with anymore :( So sad!! Have a wicked Awesome time Lady!! xoxo

  3. Baaa!! I just wrote a comment and it was there and then it wasnt anymore!!! OMG WTF!!! Miss you VSan!

  4. Katie - now you have two comments there, what a noob! HAhaha, come and see me if you want technology lessons.


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